In an effort to protect all consumers, the credit bureaus require us to collect these items from you so we may allow you to have access to sensitive consumer credit data.
After completing the online sign-up, we’ll request these items from you:
If you’re an Individual Landlord
- Copy of your Driver’s License
- 1 Completed and Signed Lease Application
- Proof of Property Ownership of Rental Property (This can be a mortgage statement, property tax statement or an insurance statement)
If you’re a Property Manager or Realtor
- Business or Real Estate License (or you can send a copy of your organization’s “Active Status” from the Division of Corporations website for your state)
- 2 Completed and Signed Lease Applications
- Proof of Property Management ( a copy of 1 completed management agreement between you and a property owner)
If you’re a Business or Legal Entity that Owns Rental Property
- Business License or Copy of Your Organization’s “Active Status” from the Division of Corporations for your State
- 1 Completed and Signed Lease Application
- Proof of Property Ownership of Rental Property (This can be a mortgage statement, property tax statement or an insurance statement)