Posted: September 03, 2021
For anyone employing drivers, pulling a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) is essential for new hires. This process can be challenging to navigate, but screening services like StarPoint Screening can simplify the process, saving time and energy.
An MVR tells an employer several valuable pieces of information, but the two most important are driver license class and status. (Read more about this here). MVR reports pull records from the state that issued the driver’s license. MVR reports are critical in the hiring process, but they are not a one-time deal. It is best practice for employers to pull MVR reports on employees annually, ensuring their licenses remain in good standing.
Pulling MVRs can be challenging to navigate—especially as the process might vary based on the state of origin of a candidate or employee’s license. This is where the benefits of a screening service come in. Screening services, like StarPoint, can offer MVR reports online, instantly. (Instant reports are available for all states except Hawaii, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, which can take up to two hours or a single business day). StarPoint streamlines the hiring process by putting a driver’s history at your disposal immediately. Employers can also take advantage of the discounted pricing that is available for bulk MVR orders. Plus, you can always contact StarPoint customer support with any questions.
Many employers chose to pull more than just an MVR report for potential hires. StarPoint also offers CDLIS reports and PSP (Pre-Employment Screening) reports. CDLIS reports are drawn from the FMCSA and provide information on prior commercial driver’s licenses held by an applicant—ensuring employers have access to a complete commercial driving record of an employee or potential hire. PSP reports can only be used for potential hires and allow employers to access an applicant’s crash history, along with other useful data. You can read more about the importance of PSP reports here.
While screening is an integral part of hiring and maintaining employees, it doesn’t have to be complicated or take up a large chunk of time. Screening services can simplify your hiring process, making it easy to have all the information you need to make an informed decision.